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  • Writer's pictureClare Warner - Owner

How do you make God laugh?

...You tell him your plans ;)

I think Woody Allen was onto something there.

My dream of a May Day grand opening is not to be. But never fear, it won't be long now.

To use the beautiful new refrigerators and magical food creating gadgetry I need power.

I am looking for powered venues, but to be truly mobile I need a generator.

Gone are the days of the old gen sets that spew deafening noise pollution.

I caught up with one of the good people at Macksville Mowers and Auto Centre during the Macksville show. They had a few generators and plenty of information available to work out what I would need.

I did my homework, read some reviews, dragged my patient partner all over the coast looking at generators.

We both agreed that the Honda EU70is is the smart way to go, as I can buy it locally, have it serviced locally and generate 7000W of power quietly.

It is not cheap, but it will power our house in case of power failure as well as run my food trailer.

So while I wait for that I am agonizing over my menu. So many delicious soups that I want to create, I just have to narrow the options down to 2 or 3 per day.

I am also sourcing some local food producers, and this weekend will be a race around the local markets looking for fresh local produce. I have had a few nibbles for local produce, and combined with what we grow here at Vallamanna we should have a great variety to choose from.

I am open to invitations for locations to set up. If you have a suggestion please feel free to let me know.

In the mean time I have a lot of preparation to do, so until we meet, cheers!

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